Most Beautiful Castles in Vermont

7 Most Beautiful Castles in Vermont to Visit in 2023

If you’re planning a trip to Vermont and wondering what to see. Well, let me tell you, Vermont is not just about skiing and maple syrup; it’s also home to some of the most jaw-dropping castles you’ll ever see! These architectural marvels are perfect for history buffs, family trips, or anyone looking to step back in time.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the seven most beautiful castles in Vermont that you can’t afford to miss in 2023. We’ve covered you from their stunning architecture to their rich history and crowd-pulling events. So, let’s jump right in and discover these hidden gems!

Why is Vermont’s Castles Enchanting?

Vermont’s castles are unique places offering much more than just good looks. They are part of Vermont’s rich history. This state loves its traditions, nature, and community spirit; you can see all that when visiting these castles.

First, each castle shows a piece of Vermont’s past. You’ll learn stories from different times, from the early settlers to modern-day heroes. It’s like a living history book!

Second, Vermont’s people love nature and outdoor fun. Many castles are near hiking trails, lakes, or mountains. So you can explore the castle and then have a fun day outdoors.

Last but not least, these castles are part of Vermont’s tourism. People from all over come to see them. Sometimes, there are special events like festivals or plays. It’s a fun way to learn and celebrate Vermont’s culture.

So, these castles are not just buildings. They’re places where you can learn, have fun, and understand what makes Vermont, well, Vermont!

1. Castle Ticonderoga

Castle Ticonderoga in Vermont

If you love diving into the past, Castle Ticonderoga should be on your list. Built in the 1750s, this stone fortress has roots deep in American history, particularly in the American Revolutionary War. It’s not just a bunch of old walls; it’s like a living museum. The castle houses impressive 18th-century artifacts, including antique firearms, uniforms, and handwritten letters.

But history isn’t the only thing that makes Castle Ticonderoga worth a visit. Nestled between Lake Champlain and the Green Mountains, the castle offers some of Vermont’s most stunning views. Stroll through the King’s Garden, a beautifully restored garden on the castle grounds, or try the Corn Maze Adventure if you’re visiting in the fall.

And let’s remember the events! The castle offers activities that make history come alive, from battle reenactments to guided tours and workshops. Castle Ticonderoga offers a blend of both, whether you’re there to soak up the history or enjoy a family fun day.

2. Wilson Castle

Wilson Castle in Vermont

Wilson Castle was built in the 19th century, and it’s a special place because it brings together different styles from all over the world. Walking through, you’ll notice a mix of European, Asian, and Middle Eastern design elements, all blended into one building.

But this castle offers more than just an architectural journey. Over the years, it’s been a big part of Vermont’s cultural scene. The castle regularly hosts events like art shows and musical performances. So, when you visit, you’re not just seeing a building; you’re getting a taste of Vermont’s rich culture and arts.

3. Shelburne Farms

Shelburne Farms in Vermont

While Shelburne Farms might not technically be a castle, it feels like one. Built in the 1880s, it originally functioned as a working farm and today focuses on sustainable farming and agriculture. So, when you visit, you’re walking into a place that holds Vermont’s dedication to nature and the environment close to its heart.

What sets Shelburne Farms apart is its commitment to education. Visitors can learn about sustainable farming methods and get hands-on experience with farm animals. It’s an ideal spot for families looking to have an educational yet fun day out.

But the farm isn’t just for learning. Its beautiful setting beside Lake Champlain and extensive walking trails offer plenty of outdoor fun and relaxation opportunities.

4. Fort Ethan Allen

Fort Ethan Allen in Vermont

Fort Ethan Allen has a storied past stretches back to the late 1800s. Initially built as a U.S. Army installation, it played various roles over the years, from a cavalry post to a place of learning for future military leaders. So, when you step into this fort, you’re entering a place rich in military history.

But the fort is more than its past. Nowadays, it’s home to a range of activities and businesses, turning it into a vibrant community space. Here, you can find everything from art studios to riding stables, adding a modern twist to its historic surroundings.

Its location near Burlington also offers additional perks. After exploring the fort, you can easily enter the city to experience its lively arts scene and beautiful waterfront.

5. The Castle Inn

The Castle Inn in Vermont

The Castle Inn is more than just a place to sleep. It was built in the early 1900s, it combines luxury with a rich sense of history. It’s like stepping back in time, but with all the comforts of modern living.

Here, you can experience a piece of Vermont’s high society past. The Inn has hosted several notable guests over the years and still maintains an air of old-world elegance. You’ll find antique furniture, ornate chandeliers, and a library filled with classic literature.

But The Castle Inn also connects with today’s Vermont. It often hosts community events, from book readings to local charity functions. So, a visit here lets you enjoy the state’s history and current, vibrant community life.

6. Hubbardton Battlefield

Hubbardton Battlefield in Vermont

Although Hubbardton Battlefield is not a traditional castle, it holds its weight when it comes to historical significance. This site was the setting for Vermont’s only Revolutionary War battle, and as such, it serves as a tribute to the sacrifices made for American independence.

Today’s battlefield is a preserved historical site, offering visitors an authentic glimpse into 18th-century military life. Various monuments and educational displays detail the battle’s events, making it a meaningful visit for history enthusiasts.

Besides its historical offerings, Hubbardton Battlefield also provides a natural escape. The site is surrounded by lush green landscapes, offering walking trails for those looking to soak in Vermont’s natural beauty.

7. Hildene, The Lincoln Family Home

Hildene, The Lincoln Family Home in Vermont

Hildene holds a special place in American history as the family home of Robert Todd Lincoln, the son of President Abraham Lincoln. Built in the early 20th century, the estate reflects the Lincoln family’s life and legacy.

The home is meticulously preserved, featuring original furniture and artifacts belonging to the Lincoln family. Walking through its halls, you can’t help but feel a connection to one of America’s most revered figures.

But Hildene offers more than just history. The estate is on 412 acres of beautiful Vermont land, including formal gardens and walking trails. Plus, it engages with the community through educational programs and public events, making it a diverse destination for history buffs and nature lovers.

Practical Tips You Should Consider When Visiting These Castles

Visiting these castles and historic sites is like taking a step back in time, but it’s essential to be prepared to make your journey as smooth as possible.

Tickets and Timing

First, it’s a good idea to check each site’s opening times and ticket availability. Some locations have seasonal schedules or special events that affect when you can visit.

Dress Code

While Vermont is known for its laid-back atmosphere, some castles may have a dress code, especially if you plan to attend a special event or tour.


Most places allow photography, but checking the rules beforehand is polite, especially if you plan to bring a large camera setup.


If you’re traveling with family, you’ll be glad to know that most of these places are kid-friendly. Still, checking in advance is always a good idea, as some areas might have age restrictions for certain activities.

Food and Drink

Some of these venues offer on-site dining options, but if you prefer, many are also close to local eateries. Planning your meals ahead of time can add to the enjoyment of your day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Visit Castles in Vermont?

Visiting these castles offers a unique blend of history, architecture, and natural beauty. Each location has its own story, from military events to cultural gatherings, all set against the stunning backdrop of Vermont’s landscapes.

Are These Castles Open to the Public Year-Round?

The majority of these sites are open to the public, but it’s best to check their websites for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Some locations have seasonal hours or are closed for special events.

Are These Castles Family-Friendly Destinations?

Yes, most of these venues are suitable for visitors of all ages. Whether it’s hands-on educational activities at Shelburne Farms or exploring the rich history at Castle Ticonderoga, there’s something for everyone in the family to enjoy.

Is Photography Allowed at These Castles?

Photography is generally permitted, but rules can vary from site to site. If capturing your experience is important to you, checking the photography policy in advance is recommended.


Vermont, often celebrated for its natural landscapes and outdoor activities, is also home to many stunning castles and historic sites. Each offers a unique experience, whether you’re a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply looking for an engaging day out in the Green Mountain State.

With their rich stories, diverse offerings, and breathtaking settings, these castles are more than mere tourist attractions; they’re a window into Vermont’s varied past and vibrant present.

By visiting these locales, you’re not just taking a trip; you’re embarking on a journey through time and culture while enjoying the best Vermont offers. So go ahead, take the plunge, and explore these magnificent destinations—you won’t regret it.

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