Plitvice Lakes National Park in Winter

Is It Worth Visiting Plitvice Lakes National Park in Winter 2023?

When I planned my winter trip to Croatia, Plitvice Lakes National Park was at the top of my list. You’ve probably seen pictures of its famous waterfalls and lakes.

They look amazing in the summer, but I wanted to know if it’s just as good in the winter. Is it too cold? Is everything still open? And the big question – is Plitvice Lakes National Park worth visiting in Winter?

These were the things I was thinking about as I packed my warm clothes. Now that I’ve been there, I can tell you all about it.

If you’re wondering whether to visit Plitvice in the winter, I will share my personal experience with you, what to expect and how to prepare.

How is Plitvice Lakes National Park in the Winter?

How is Plitvice Lakes National Park in Winter

Plitvice Lakes National Park is mostly known for its beautiful lakes and You probably have seen those pictures of waterfalls and lush greenery of Plitvice Lakes. But believe me, in winter It’s a whole different story.

The lakes are so stunning, I found myself wishing I could dive in for a swim. But you cannot swim in Plitvice Lakes National Park. Besides, in winter, the waters turn icy cold, so you wouldn’t want to take the plunge even if you could.

The National Park remains open and it swaps its green dress for a white one. Trees sparkle with ice, paths are less crowded, and the waterfalls turn into these incredible ice sculptures. It’s quieter, too—just the crunch of snow under your boots and the muted flow of water.

The average temperature hovers around freezing, sometimes dipping below. But the cold brings out a side of Plitvice that’s calm and majestic. The lakes take on a deep, rich blue, and everything is still. On a sunny day, the snow glitters, and it feels like you’re walking through a holiday card.

Facilities are open, but with fewer visitors, it’s not business as usual. Some paths might be closed for safety, but there’s still plenty of the park to see. Just check ahead for any winter notices.

Is Plitvice Lakes Worth Visiting in Winter?

is it worth visiting Plitvice Lakes National Park in Winter

It’s totally worth it. The winter chill might mean you need to bundle up, but it also means fewer tourists and more peace. The park is open year-round, and the winter months offer a serene, almost private experience. It is like you are having the beauty of Plitvice mostly to yourself.

The frozen waterfalls are something you don’t see every day. The way the ice forms and clings to the cascades is simply stunning. Plus, the snow-covered forests and the silence that comes with it — it’s like stepping into another world.

And let’s talk about the photos — without the summer crowds, you can take pictures that are truly postcard-worthy. Every angle offers a new, untouched view.

Although, some of the higher terrains might be closed for safety, but the lower ones give you up-close access to the winter magic. The cafes are still open, so you can warm you up yourself after your walk.

So, in my book, Plitvice in the winter is not just a yes, it’s a must-do. It’s a different experience than in the summer, but just as memorable, if not more.

Read also: Barać Caves – A Guide To Plitvice Lakes National Park’s Underground Wonder

Benefits of Visiting Plitvice Lakes in Winter

as winter is a off season, there are way fewer people. You get the paths mostly to yourself, making your visit peaceful.

Hotels and services costs less in the winter comparing to summer season. You can save money on your trip.

In winter, you can see the park’s wildlife, like birds and deer while exploring the park.

The park is gorgeous in the snow. Your photos will have that beautiful winter wonderland look.

Plitvice is really quiet in winter. You can hear the sounds of nature without background noise.

Seeing the frozen waterfalls and snowy trees is special. It’s a different side of Plitvice you don’t see in summer. which gives a you a unique experience.

Best Time to Visit Plitvice Lakes in Winter

Wondering when’s the best time to head to Plitvice Lakes during winter? Each part of the season has something special to offer.

December to January: If you don’t mind the cold and want to feel the holiday vibes, early winter is might be best for you. The park might be just starting to get its winter look with a light snowfall here and there. It’s festive, and the winter scenery is just beginning to set in.

February: Now, if you want the full winter experience with everything looking like it’s been dusted by a snow fairy, mid-winter is the time to visit. It’s colder, sure, but the park is at its most breathtaking with ice-covered waterfalls. The days are getting longer too, so you’ve got more daylight to enjoy the views.

March: This is a bit of a wildcard month. You’re on the edge of winter and spring, so the ice is melting, and you might catch a glimpse of the first buds of spring. It’s less predictable but also means you might avoid the deep snow.

No matter when you decide to go, always check the latest weather reports and the park’s website before you set off. Winter weather can change quickly, and you want to be ready for it.


To wrap this up, I’ll say that Plitvice Lakes is definitely a winner in winter. It’s peaceful, and the snowy scenes are something you won’t forget. The park feels different, almost like a secret place that you get to explore without the crowds.

Just make sure to check the weather before you go, dress warmly, and be ready for some changes – that’s winter for you. The paths might be a bit slippery, so good boots are a must.

If you’re up for a bit of cold and want to see nature in a whole new way, Plitvice in the snow is a great choice. You’ll take home not just cool photos, but also memories of the quiet and the crisp air that makes winter special.

So yes, I’d say go for it. Plitvice Lakes in winter is as good as it gets. Pack your bag, charge your camera, and enjoy the adventure!


Are the park’s entrance fees different in winter?

Yes, they’re usually lower than in summer. Check the park’s official website for current pricing.

Can I visit all parts of the park in winter?

Not all. Some sections may be closed for safety reasons due to snow and ice, but there’s still plenty to see.

Are there places to eat inside the park in winter?

Yes, there are a few places, but options might be limited. I recommend bringing some snacks and a thermos with a hot drink.

Do I need to hire a guide?

It’s not necessary, but a guide can enrich your experience by sharing insights about the park’s winter ecology.

Is it safe to drive to the park in winter?

If you’re comfortable with winter driving conditions and have a vehicle equipped for snow, it should be fine. Always check local road conditions before setting out.

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