Anna william

Hello everyone, My name is Anna and I aim to offer more than just travel tales. I share stories of the people I meet, the delectable foods I taste, and the magical sunrises and sunsets I witness. Each post is a blend of practical advice, heartfelt narratives, and vivid photography that might just inspire your next journey. When I'm not traversing new landscapes, you'll find me planning the next adventure, diving into books about distant cultures and histories, or simply daydreaming about the next stop on my global trek. Join me, as I chronicle a world of wonder, one adventure at a time. Welcome to my Travel Diaries!

Best Things to Do in Sukhothai, Thailand, as a Solo Traveler

Sukhothai, meaning “Dawn of Happiness,” was Thailand’s first capital in the 13th century. This period is known as the “golden age” of Thai history, marked by the creation of the Thai alphabet under King Ramkhamhaeng. Today, you can explore the ruins of this ancient city at Sukhothai Historical Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The

Best Things to Do in Sukhothai, Thailand, as a Solo Traveler Read More »

Krabi Province's national parks

The 7 Best Krabi Province National Parks 2024

The Krabi Province of Thailand is a paradise for adventure-seekers and nature lovers. With its gorgeous landscapes, lush jungles, and crystal-clear waters, Krabi has some of the best national parks in the world. In Krabi Province, there is something for everyone, whether you are interested in hiking, snorkeling, bird watching, or just relaxing on the

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Phuket Adventures: Beaches, Diving, and Nightlife

Phuket Adventures: Beaches, Diving, and Nightlife

Phuket, Thailand’s largest island, is a top destination for stunning beaches, exciting diving spots, and exciting nightlife. Phuket offers endless opportunities for relaxation, underwater exploration, and nightlife enjoyment. Phuket’s beaches and diving are perfect for all kinds of fun. Lively Patong Beach is great for excitement, while Nai Harn Beach is calm and peaceful. Phuket’s

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A Complete Guide to Chiang Mai’s Cultural Wonders

Chiang Mai, an ancient city in Northern Thailand is a treasure trove of history, architecture, and spiritual delights. As you wander through the old city walls, you’ll discover stunning temples, vibrant markets, and warm locals. Learn the art of Thai cooking from a local chef or find inner peace at a meditation retreat. Chiang Mai

A Complete Guide to Chiang Mai’s Cultural Wonders Read More »