can you swim in Cocoa Beach Florida

Can You Swim in Cocoa Beach Florida in December 2023

If you ever wished to travel to Florida, and search the internet you will find one common question that people ask, “Can I take a swim in Cocoa Beach during December?” It’s a question many of us beach lovers ponder while planning a winter escape.

I found myself asking the same thing when I first decided to pay my visit at Cocoa Beach Florida. While online searches can leave you with a jumble of outdated information, I decided to take the plunge and find out for myself.

After soaking up the sun and experiencing the unique winter vibes of Cocoa Beach, I’m here to share my discoveries with you. Is the water inviting enough for a December dip? What’s the beach atmosphere like during this time of year? I’ve got all these answers and more, straight from my recent escapade.

So, grab your sunscreen (yes, you’ll still need it!) and let’s dive into the heart of Cocoa Beach’s winter allure.

How is the Weather in Cocoa Beach Florida in December?

Cocoa Beach Florida

December in Cocoa Beach is part of Florida’s mild winter. You won’t find any snow here! Instead, the temperatures are pretty comfortable, usually ranging from the mid-60s to the low 70s (Fahrenheit). It’s cooler than the summer months, but for many of us, it’s still pleasant enough to enjoy the outdoors.

You’ll get plenty of sunny days, but remember, it’s also Florida’s drier season. So, you’re less likely to see those sudden rain showers that are common in the summer. The evenings can get a bit chilly, so packing a light jacket or sweater is a good idea.

Overall, the weather is usually nice and mild – perfect for exploring the beach and the town. Whether you’re strolling along the shore or sitting outside at a local café, December’s weather in Cocoa Beach is usually pretty agreeable for all kinds of activities.

Should You Swim in Cocoa Beach in December?

Swim in Cocoa Beach

The ocean temperature in Cocoa Beach during December is usually around the mid-70s (Fahrenheit). For some, this might be a bit cool, but for others, it’s perfectly fine for a refreshing swim. It really depends on what you’re used to. If you’re okay with cooler water, you’ll likely enjoy it.

The beach itself is less crowded in December, which can be a plus. You get more space to yourself, and it’s a different, more peaceful experience compared to the busy summer months. Plus, no big crowds mean you can pick the best spot on the beach without any hassle.

However, it’s important to keep safety in mind. Lifeguards may not be on duty as they are in the peak season. So, if you decide to go for a swim, make sure to stay aware of your surroundings and follow basic safety tips like swimming in groups and staying close to the shore.

If you ask me I would say that you can swim in Cocoa Beach in December if you’re comfortable with slightly cooler water. Just remember to stay safe and enjoy the quieter beach vibe.

Cocoa Beach in December has its own charm. The water might be cooler, but the experience is uniquely calming and serene. And yes, for those wondering about current conditions, I found the water quality to be excellent, with clear visibility and clean shores.

Read also: Can you swim in Plitvice Lakes?

Cocoa Beach Tourist Attractions in Winter

The Cocoa Beach Pier

Visiting Cocoa Beach in December is a special treat, and there’s more to see beyond the beach! Here are some of my top picks:

Ron Jon Surf Shop is a Cocoa Beach icon, not just any surf shop. It’s open all day and night, full of beachwear and surf history. It feels like the heart of beach culture. Even if you don’t surf, you should check it out.

The Cocoa Beach Pier offers amazing ocean views. It’s quieter in December, perfect for a peaceful walk. The seafood at the pier’s restaurants is fresh and tasty.

A short drive away is Historic Cocoa Village. It’s like stepping back in time with unique shops and cozy cafes. In December, it’s beautifully decorated for the holidays, adding to its charm.

Cocoa Beach Bioluminescence is a breathtaking natural spectacle. During certain times, the waters light up with a magical glow, thanks to the bioluminescent organisms. This natural light show is an unforgettable experience, adding a mystical touch to your visit.

For a family day out, visit Brevard Zoo. It’s educational and fun, with perfect December weather for outdoor activities. Don’t miss the Treetop Trek – it’s an exhilarating way to see the zoo from above.

All these spots make a winter trip to Cocoa Beach memorable, offering more than just beach fun.

Final Word

In the end all I can say is Cocoa Beach in December offers a unique and tranquil beach experience. With its cooler weather, fewer crowds, and a range of attractions, from vibrant local events to serene nature explorations, it’s an ideal winter getaway. Whether you’re up for adventurous water sports or just a peaceful day by the sea, Cocoa Beach in winter provides a memorable retreat. So, for those wondering about a December visit – it’s definitely worth it!


Is December a good time to visit Cocoa Beach?

Absolutely! December in Cocoa Beach offers mild weather, fewer crowds, and a unique charm. It’s a great time for those who prefer a more peaceful beach experience.

Are there any special events in Cocoa Beach during December?

Cocoa Beach has various holiday events like parades, Christmas markets, and beachside New Year’s celebrations. These events add a festive atmosphere to your visit.

Can I still find water sports activities in December?

Many water sports activities like surfing lessons and kayak tours are still available in December. The ocean conditions are suitable for these activities, especially for surfing.

Is it safe to swim in the ocean in December?

Yes, it’s generally safe to swim, but the water can be cooler than in summer. Also, as lifeguards may not be on duty, always practice caution and follow basic water safety rules.

How crowded is Cocoa Beach in December?

Compared to the summer months, December is less crowded, offering a more relaxed and tranquil beach experience.

Are there any nature-related activities to do in December?

Yes, activities like bird watching at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge and nature walks are popular in December, thanks to the pleasant weather and the presence of migratory birds.

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