Thank You in 100 Languages

How to Say Thank You in 100 Languages

Saying ‘Thank You’ in local language can leave a big impact. I’ve been to many countries and different places with different languages and cultures, and saying thank you in the local language always helps. It’s a simple way to connect, show respect, and make friends.

Learning languages can be tough, but ‘thank you’ is easy. It is your first step in a new place. You don’t need to be fluent – just willing to try. And people appreciate that.

I know the struggle with languages. But starting with greetings? That was doable. It’s a great tool, especially for solo travelers. It opens doors and starts conversations.

This guide covers thank you in 100 languages. I’ve chosen popular languages and checked pronunciations with native speakers. It’s a practical tool for every traveler. You’ll learn where and how to use these greetings.

Thank You in 100 Languages

Expressing gratitude is a universal sentiment, yet it manifests uniquely across languages. The phrase “Thank You” is one of the most important to learn when exploring a new language, as it reflects politeness, appreciation, and positive regard. Each entry in this list includes the language, the phrase for “Thank You,” and a phonetic pronunciation to aid in verbal expression.

English: Thank You – [thangk yoo]

Spanish: Gracias – [GRAH-see-ahs]

French: Merci – [mehr-SEE]

German: Danke – [DAHN-keh]

Italian: Grazie – [GRAH-tsee-eh]

Portuguese: Obrigado (m) / Obrigada (f) – [oh-bree-GAH-doo / oh-bree-GAH-dah]

Russian: Спасибо (Spasibo) – [spuh-SEE-buh]

Mandarin Chinese: 谢谢 (Xièxiè) – [shyeh-shyeh]

Japanese: ありがとう (Arigatou) – [ah-ree-GAH-toh]

Korean: 감사합니다 (Gamsahabnida) – [gahm-sah-HAHM-nee-dah]

Arabic: شكرا (Shukran) – [shook-ran]

Hindi: धन्यवाद (Dhanyavaad) – [dhun-yuh-vaad]

Bengali: ধন্যবাদ (Dhonnobad) – [dhon-no-baad]

Turkish: Teşekkür ederim – [teh-sheh-koor eh-deh-rim]

Vietnamese: Cảm ơn – [kam uhn]

Polish: Dziękuję – [JEN-koo-yeh]

Dutch: Dank u – [dahnk yoo]

Greek: Ευχαριστώ (Efcharistó) – [ef-kha-ree-STOH]

Hebrew: תודה (Todah) – [toh-DAH]

Swahili: Asante – [ah-SAHN-teh]

Swedish: Tack – [tahk]

Finnish: Kiitos – [KEE-tos]

Norwegian: Takk – [tahk]

Danish: Tak – [tahg]

Icelandic: Takk – [tahk]

Hungarian: Köszönöm – [KÖ-sö-nöm]

Czech: Děkuji – [DYEH-koo-yee]

Slovak: Ďakujem – [DJAH-koo-yem]

Romanian: Mulțumesc – [mool-tzoo-MESK]

Bulgarian: Благодаря (Blagodarya) – [blah-go-DAR-ya]

Serbian: Хвала (Hvala) – [HVAH-lah]

Croatian: Hvala – [HVAH-lah]

Slovenian: Hvala – [HVAH-lah]

Estonian: Aitäh – [IE-tahh]

Latvian: Paldies – [PAL-dee-es]

Lithuanian: Ačiū – [AH-choo]

Georgian: მადლობა (Madloba) – [mad-LO-bah]

Armenian: Շնորհակալ եմ (Shnorhakal em) – [shnor-ha-KAL yem]

Azerbaijani: Təşəkkür edirəm – [tuh-SHUK-kur eh-dee-REM]

Thai: ขอบคุณ (Khob Khun) – [khop khun]

Indonesian: Terima kasih – [tuh-REE-mah KAH-see]

Malay: Terima kasih – [tuh-REE-ma kah-SEE]

Filipino: Salamat – [sah-LAH-mat]

Persian: متشکرم (Motshakeram) – [mote-shak-ker-am]

Urdu: شکریہ (Shukriya) – [shoo-kree-ah]

Ukrainian: Дякую (Dyakuyu) – [DYAH-koo-yoo]

Belarusian: Дзякуй (Dziakuj) – [DZIA-kooi]

Welsh: Diolch – [DEE-olk]

Irish: Go raibh maith agat – [guh rev mah ah-gut]

Scottish Gaelic: Tapadh leat – [TAH-puh let]

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