Anna william

Hello everyone, My name is Anna and I aim to offer more than just travel tales. I share stories of the people I meet, the delectable foods I taste, and the magical sunrises and sunsets I witness. Each post is a blend of practical advice, heartfelt narratives, and vivid photography that might just inspire your next journey. When I'm not traversing new landscapes, you'll find me planning the next adventure, diving into books about distant cultures and histories, or simply daydreaming about the next stop on my global trek. Join me, as I chronicle a world of wonder, one adventure at a time. Welcome to my Travel Diaries!

things to do in Plitvice Lakes National Park

Top 10 Best Things to Do in Plitvice Lakes National Park

If you’re heading to Plitvice Lakes National Park, you’ve chosen a gem. The park is known for its stunning lakes and waterfalls. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage site, which means it’s special and protected. I’ve walked the trails here and know the best spots. There are 16 lakes, each with its unique beauty. They’re connected

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Barać Caves

Barać Caves – A Guide to Plitvice Lakes National Park’s Underground Wonder

Ready for an adventure? The Barać Caves are a cool spot near Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. They’re big, beautiful, and full of neat rock shapes that have been there for a very long time. The Barać Caves have a rich history that’s as fascinating as their natural beauty. Discovered back in the early

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Plitvice Lakes National Park

Can You Swim in Plitvice Lakes National Park? (2023 Update)

When I first heard about Plitvice Lakes National Park, I was immediately drawn to its breathtaking photos showcasing turquoise waters and cascading waterfalls. Naturally, the first thing that popped into my mind was, “Can I swim in those beautiful lakes?” It’s a question many of us would have, especially when faced with such inviting waters.

Can You Swim in Plitvice Lakes National Park? (2023 Update) Read More »

Cocoa Beach Bioluminescence

Cocoa Beach Bioluminescence – A Magical Experience in 2023

Cocoa Beach in Florida is known for its beautiful sandy shores. But something else makes it stand out: its nighttime glow. When it’s dark, parts of the water light up with blue and green colors. This isn’t because of any lights or machines. It’s a natural event called bioluminescence. It’s like nature’s light show, drawing

Cocoa Beach Bioluminescence – A Magical Experience in 2023 Read More »