Anna william

Hello everyone, My name is Anna and I aim to offer more than just travel tales. I share stories of the people I meet, the delectable foods I taste, and the magical sunrises and sunsets I witness. Each post is a blend of practical advice, heartfelt narratives, and vivid photography that might just inspire your next journey. When I'm not traversing new landscapes, you'll find me planning the next adventure, diving into books about distant cultures and histories, or simply daydreaming about the next stop on my global trek. Join me, as I chronicle a world of wonder, one adventure at a time. Welcome to my Travel Diaries!

How to Get to Genting Highlands

How to Get to Genting Highlands from Kuala Lumpur (2024)

Do you want to get away from the busy city life of Kuala Lumpur? Genting Highlands is a great day trip idea! There is an indoor theater, shopping areas, and delicious food at this mountain resort. It is easily accessible from the main transport hub, Kuala Lumpur Sentral.  The bus ride takes about 1 hour […]

How to Get to Genting Highlands from Kuala Lumpur (2024) Read More »

Kek Lok Si Temple

Kek Lok Si Temple: What to Do and How to Get There From Kuala Lumpur

Kek Lok Si Temple is known as the largest Buddhist temple in Malaysia. The temple is also a pilgrimage center for Buddhists from Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries. Kek Lok Si Temple Temple is really big and beautiful, making it a great place for travelers who want to see something

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Is Indonesia Cheaper

Is Indonesia Cheaper Than Malaysia for Tourists?

Travel is all about discoveries, from tasting different foods to seeing places we’ve only dreamed about. Southeast Asia is a treasure chest for this, with countries like Indonesia and Malaysia at the heart of many travel lists. Both places offer something special, but when planning a trip, there’s a big question that comes to mind

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