Anna william

Hello everyone, My name is Anna and I aim to offer more than just travel tales. I share stories of the people I meet, the delectable foods I taste, and the magical sunrises and sunsets I witness. Each post is a blend of practical advice, heartfelt narratives, and vivid photography that might just inspire your next journey. When I'm not traversing new landscapes, you'll find me planning the next adventure, diving into books about distant cultures and histories, or simply daydreaming about the next stop on my global trek. Join me, as I chronicle a world of wonder, one adventure at a time. Welcome to my Travel Diaries!

How to say hello in 100 different languages

Hello in 100 Languages – How to Say and Pronounce?

Visiting a new country? Start with ‘hello’. It’s a small word with a big impact. I’ve been to many countries and different places with different languages and cultures, and saying hello in the local language always helps. It’s a simple way to connect, show respect, and make friends. Learning languages can be tough, but ‘hello’ […]

Hello in 100 Languages – How to Say and Pronounce? Read More »

Maluku Islands

Why You Should Visit Papua and Maluku Islands in 2024

Ever heard of Papua and Maluku Islands? Let’s talk about these beautiful and underrated Islands in Indonesia. These Islands are perfect for anyone looking for a unique adventure. Papua is on the eastern side of New Guinea and it’s wild. It is covered with jungles, mountains, and tribes that live like they’ve been living for

Why You Should Visit Papua and Maluku Islands in 2024 Read More »

is Indonesia safe for solo female traveler

Is Indonesia Safe for Solo Female Travelers in 2024?

Thinking about traveling solo to Indonesia? Indonesia is a beautiful country and has many reasons to visit. Indonesia has many beautiful beaches, ancient temples, and bustling markets. But as a woman going alone, you probably ask, “Is it safe for solo female traveler?” It’s a smart question, and you deserve a straight answer. Like any

Is Indonesia Safe for Solo Female Travelers in 2024? Read More »